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About Me

Varun Thakkar

Varun was born and brought up at Nagpur, a city blessed with pristine wildlife habitats all around. He is an entrepreneur by profession and based at Nagpur, Maharashtra. The ‘call of the wild’ for Varun was back in 2007 when he first held the camera under the aegis of a friend and photographer Navin Varma. Since then there has been no looking back for him. He escapes to the jungles whenever he can! Varun has travelled far and wide covering most of the National Parks of the country capturing the magic of the Indian jungles. He has travelled to the wild lands of Africa capturing the African wildlife though his lens. He has widely documented the big cats, their behaviour and their habitat and has been fortunate to have photographed more than 300 tigers which earns him the title of being a ‘good luck’ when it comes to the Tiger sightings! Apart from the jungles of India and Africa, he has spent days documenting the stunning landscapes and the incredible biodiversity of the Himalayas and has shot some rarely sighted animals like the Red Panda, The Himalayan Monal in their habitat at high altitudes. Talking of the recognitions, his work has received widespread appreciation and several National and International awards. He is the contributor of the Social media pages for the Discovery Channel and his work has been showcased by several Governmental and non Governmental agencies across India and outside. Though he personally dislikes being appreciated but his photography speaks for itself and undoubtedly makes him one of the most promising and outstanding wildlife photographer the country has today. Varun strongly believes that photography is not merely his passion but an attempt to help conserve the wild by spreading awareness about our jungles, its flora and fauna. By his photography he strives to bring forth the wild-raw and uncut as also to inspire young minds to take a moment and think about nature and wildlife. He has been an active member of the NGO Srushti Paryavaran Mandal, Nagpur for the cause of betterment of the wildlife and environment in central India. He has worked closely with the Forest Department and the Sanctuary Asia Magazine highlighting the challenges faced by the Forest Department and their efforts to conserve the forests. Off the work and jungle tours he spends his time resolving the queries of the young minds about wildlife and wildlife photography.

Welcome aboard.

Active member of the NGO Srushti Paryavaran Mandal, Nagpur.

Camera Rental

Look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage.

Outdoor photography

Donec ornare cursus viverra. Praesent eu facilisis lectus. Etiam varius quam id ante malesuada venenatis.

Fasion photography

Donec ornare cursus viverra. Praesent eu facilisis lectus. Etiam varius quam id ante malesuada venenatis.

Portrait photography

Donec ornare cursus viverra. Praesent eu facilisis lectus. Etiam varius quam id ante malesuada venenatis.

Comercial photography

Donec ornare cursus viverra. Praesent eu facilisis lectus. Etiam varius quam id ante malesuada venenatis.

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